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How to Prepare the Unprepared for a Day of Hard-Core Florida Saltwater Fishing

 Hard-core Floridian saltwater anglers certainly treasure the time they spend on the water. For visiting anglers, though, casting into Florida’s coastal fisheries is often literally the fishing experience of a lifetime. To ensure that their time on the water is a fishing dream come true, rather than a nightmare, it’s essential to prepare the unprepared. That means being sure they have everything from enough water to the right high-performance fishing apparel. As a seasoned angler, you may have more insight, and the best gift you can bestow is the knowledge you wish you would’ve had the first time you hit the open water.

Fishing Apparel

Stock Extra Food and Drink

“Extra food and drink” here means bringing more food and hydrating beverages than you think those onboard will need. People unaccustomed to Florida’s heat and humidity, particularly on open water, may need to eat and drink more than they normally would to help regulate their temperature and keep their energy up.

Keep Them Covered, Keep Them Cool

Who can blame tourists and visitors who show up to their friend’s slip delighted to be fishing in the tank-top or t-shirt, Bermuda shorts, and flip-flops they brought? Unfortunately, the scalp-to-toes lobster-red sunburn that follows is far less delightful. And while those flip-flops may slide on and off easily, they can be a slipping hazard on the boat. Before the day in question, explain to anyone you’re taking onto the water that more coverage, not less, is the key to sun protection and staying cool. Inform them of the existence and importance of lightweight, breathable polyester performance fishing gear. Or, for the truly generous, provide it for them.

Make Sure They Properly Accessorize

In addition to high-performance fishing clothes, be sure that your inexperienced fishing buddy or buddies bring along a hat, quality polarized shades, and close-toed shoes on the boat. For added comfort, and pictures that will send their fishing cred through the roof among envious pals back home, suggest a fishing mask as well.

Be Prepared for Seasickness

Seasickness is a phenomenon that may not have crossed the mind of the average long-time, hard-core Florida saltwater angler for years. However, it’s an all-too-common reality for many of those who haven’t been ocean-fishing ever or within recent memory. Be sure you have their back, or their stomach, by stashing over-the-counter seasickness meds in your first aid kit. It couldn’t hurt to have some indigestion medicine and ginger ale as well.

Pack Some Helpful Bits and Pieces

Finally, consider having the following bits and pieces available, just to be sure.

· Adhesive bandages, first-timers can be more prone to hook-sticks and knife knicks

· Lip balm, preferably with UV-protection, for the less sun-accustomed lips

· Hand sanitizer or wet wipes to clean those fishy hands before eating

· A camera, though there’s an excellent chance a phone camera will already be aboard

· Bug spray to keep bites and stings at bay

· Extra swimsuits and towels to make the most of any downtime on your lines

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has loved fishing for as long as he can remember. As a Florida native, there certainly wasn’t any shortage of world-class fishing to be had growing up, and he made the most of it. As an adult, that love of angling brought Kent to the professional tournament circuit. It was there that he encountered a problem: professional anglers often faced unforgiving conditions, and he couldn’t find any reputable fishing apparel that could stand up to the challenge. Whether they’re pros or not, hard-core anglers need gear they can rely on to stay cool, dry, and comfortable. That means gear that protects them from both the elements and the heat and UV rays of the unrelenting Florida sun. Kent took it upon himself to meet the challenge, and in 2009 he founded Gillz® to ensure that devoted anglers had access to high-performance, high-tech, professional-grade, and, of course, stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® fishing clothes include fishing masks, shirts for fishing, hats, shades, accessories, and more.

Prepare yourself and your friends to fish longer and harder without sacrificing cool comfort by choosing Gillz® professional-grade fishing apparel at


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